undefined undefined Comment
September 1994

“Comment,” Ensign, Sept. 1994, 80


Annual Music Contests

In the past, rules for the annual general Church music contest, the hymn text contest, and the Relief Society music contest have been included in the Ensign. Although the Ensign will no longer print the rules or list winners of these contests, the General Music Committee and Relief Society will continue to sponsor these contests. Those interested may call or write the General Music Committee, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, or telephone (801) 240-2551. The deadline for the contests will be January of each year.

“We’re Not Alone”

“Lead Me, Guide Me” (March 1994) was excellent. It was like having someone in our own home watching and recording. We have a 22-year-old son who was hyperactive. We also have a 14-year-old boy who could be Jared Lambert; we have endured his out-of-control behavior for years. On the other hand, he can be kind, gentle, considerate, polite, and loving. How can a boy who has been diagnosed with SED (severe emotional disorder), ADD (attention deficit disorder), and oppositional defiant disorder be all these good things too? That’s part of the paradox of children.

Our older son outgrew his hyperactivity. As our younger son grows, he understands more, and he is able to be reasoned with at times. All this helps. But our greatest strength comes from a kind Heavenly Father who gave us these challenging children to help us learn patience, long-suffering, and a sense of humor. It is good to know that we are not as alone as we sometimes feel.

Name Withheld


In “All of a Kind Family” (Portraits, Dec. 1993), the baptism of Octavian Vasilesku is discussed. While Steve Worsley did baptize his landlady Doina Biolaru, Brother Vasilesku was baptized by Alvin Price.