undefined undefined Comment
April 1995

“Comment,” Ensign, Apr. 1995, 80


A Healing Experience

It was a healing experience for me to read the answer to the question on forgiveness (I Have a Question, June 1994). The article truly explains the turmoil an abused person goes through. Church members who have been abused know of the commandment to forgive. The guilt accompanying our difficulties in doing so is very real.

I would like to add one more thought. I have found that what looks like an inability to forgive can actually be the inability to trust the abusive person, especially when the perpetrator has not recognized any accountability for his or her actions. I feel certain that when the abused person who has a desire to forgive can trust that the perpetrator has either truly repented or is no longer in a position to hurt him or her, then the abused person is capable of feeling the full peace that comes from forgiving the perpetrator.

Name Withheld


In the January Ensign, page 69: Lilas Swenson Clark has played the organ or piano for an estimated fourteen hundred funerals in her lifetime; and Maureen Ward, a grandmother of nine, has served in various callings in the Primary, Young Women, and Relief Society since her conversion to the Church thirty-one years ago.

In “Pioneers in East Africa” (Oct. 1994), an Elder and Sister Whitecourt are mentioned on page 25. This couple, serving a mission in Cairo, Egypt, was actually Ross and Bonnie Whatcott. They returned from their mission and reside in the Burbank Second Ward, North Hollywood California Stake.