A Book, a Blessing, and Service
April 1995

“A Book, a Blessing, and Service,” Ensign, Apr. 1995, 68–69

A Book, a Blessing, and Service

A love of Relief Society and following the example of a former Relief Society general president spurred Jane Carter to get involved in women’s organizations.

Sister Carter, a member of the Edmonton First Ward, Edmonton Alberta Millwoods Stake, has been elected to the International Council of Women, a consultative organization to the United Nations. She was elected at the council’s triennial conference in Paris, France, and will represent the National Council of Women of Canada.

In 1975 Sister Carter was called as Relief Society president in her ward. “I had a young family, and I must admit I was at my wit’s end,” she remembers.

“It was Women in Today’s World, a book written by former Relief Society general president Belle S. Spafford, that gave me the direction I needed and also helped me fulfill certain parts of my patriarchal blessing. That book was a blessing.”

As a result of Sister Spafford’s counsel to get involved in service and the community, Sister Carter became involved in Canada’s National Council of Women. She has served in many leadership roles in the organization and is currently serving her third term as its vice president.—Hugh A. Calder, Edmonton, Alberta
