undefined undefined One-Quote Gospel Lessons
One-Quote Gospel Lessons
April 1995

“One-Quote Gospel Lessons,” Ensign, Apr. 1995, 73

One-Quote Gospel Lessons

We wanted to help our children get more out of general conference addresses, talks at sacrament meeting, and Church publications. Because the ideas presented in those forums can be difficult for children to grasp fully, we decided to start a new family home evening tradition that would give our children consistent contact with those ideas.

Early in the week my husband and I choose for each of our children passages from Church books and magazines. We select quotes such as this from President Hunter: “The Lord’s invitation to follow him is individual and personal, and it is compelling. We cannot stand forever between two opinions. Each of us must at some time face the crucial question: ‘Whom say ye that I am?’ (Matt. 16:15.)” (Ensign, Sept. 1994, p. 2.)

Early on Sunday morning we hand out a quote to each of our children. They are to read and ponder their quotes throughout the day. At family home evening the children read their quotes to the rest of the family and explain their interpretation and understanding of the passages. Together we discuss what the children have learned.

It is amazing to find how much our children can understand when we give them the opportunity to really think about the ideas and gospel principles taught by latter-day prophets. By this simple weekly exercise, our children are learning to appreciate and understand more about the gospel.—Stacey Child Weeks, Carson City, Nevada

Photography by Maren Younce; lettering by Bryan Lee Shaw