June 1995

“Comment,” Ensign, June 1995, 80


Are Persons with Visual Impairments in Your Ward Being Helped?

Blindness came to me at the age of twenty-one while serving a mission. I returned home from my mission and proceeded to graduate from Brigham Young University, marry, and eventually start my own business. My wife and I have five children, and despite my blindness I have been the main financial support for our family.

In my thirty-eight years of blindness, I have had only one Church member offer to read to me. No Church member has ever offered to drive me somewhere for an appointment or to run errands. As a blind person, these are among my greatest needs, and I would enjoy so much receiving this help from my fellow Church members.

It has been difficult for my family to always provide the help I’ve needed, and there have been instances where I’ve needed to ask for a ride or reading assistance from my quorum members or home teachers. Even after requesting, the results have been disappointing.

In talking with other blind members, I’ve discovered my experience is not unique. Reading to the blind and offering to drive us somewhere are wonderful ways of reaching out in love and service.

Name Withheld
