undefined undefined New Area Presidencies
New Area Presidencies
September 1995

“New Area Presidencies,” Ensign, Sept. 1995, 74–76

New Area Presidencies

The First Presidency has announced changes in assignments for area presidencies. These assignments will be effective August 15. (Presidents are shown in the center, with first counselors on the left and second counselors on the right.)

  1. North America Northwest: Spencer J. Condie, President; Glenn L. Pace, First Counselor; C. Scott Grow, Second Counselor

  2. North America Central: William R. Bradford, President; Hugh W. Pinnock, First Counselor; L. Lionel Kendrick, Second Counselor

  3. North America Northeast: Vaughn J Featherstone, President; W. Don Ladd, First Counselor; Marlin K. Jensen, Second Counselor

  4. North America Southeast: Stephen D. Nadauld, President; F. Burton Howard, First Counselor; John K. Carmack, Second Counselor

  5. North America Southwest: W. Mack Lawrence, President; F. Enzio Busche, First Counselor; Lynn A. Mickelsen, Second Counselor

  6. North America West: Loren C. Dunn, President; Lance B. Wickman, First Counselor; C. Max Caldwell, Second Counselor

  7. Utah North: Alexander B. Morrison, President; Robert E. Wells, First Counselor; Robert K. Dellenbach, Second Counselor

  8. Utah South: Earl C. Tingey, President; James M. Paramore, First Counselor; Gene R. Cook, Second Counselor

  9. Mexico North: Angel Abrea, President; John M. Madsen, First Counselor; Andrew W. Peterson, Second Counselor

  10. Mexico South: D. Todd Christofferson, President; Gary J. Coleman, First Counselor; Carlos H. Amado, Second Counselor

  11. Central America: Joseph C. Muren, President; Lino Alvarez, First Counselor; Jorge A. Rojas, Second Counselor

  12. South America North: Jay E. Jensen, President; Julio E. Dávila, First Counselor; Carl B. Pratt, Second Counselor

  13. Brazil: Dallas N. Archibald, President; W. Craig Zwick, First Counselor; Claudio R. M. Costa, Second Counselor

  14. South America South: John B. Dickson, President; F. Melvin Hammond, First Counselor; Hugo A. Catrón, Second Counselor

  15. Europe North: Graham W. Doxey, President; John E. Fowler, First Counselor; Cecil O. Samuelson, Jr., Second Counselor

  16. Europe East: Dennis B. Neuenschwander, President; Charles Didier, First Counselor; Bruce D. Porter, Second Counselor

  17. Europe West: Dean L. Larsen, President; Neil L. Andersen, First Counselor; Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor

  18. Africa: J. Richard Clarke, President; F. David Stanley, First Counselor; James O. Mason, Second Counselor

  19. Asia North: David E. Sorensen, President; Sam K. Shimabukuro, First Counselor; Rex D. Pinegar, Second Counselor

  20. Asia: Kwok Yuen Tai, President; John H. Groberg, First Counselor; Rulon G. Craven, Second Counselor

  21. Philippines/Micronesia: Ben B. Banks, President; Augusto A. Lim, First Counselor; Kenneth Johnson, Second Counselor

  22. Pacific: Lowell D. Wood, President; V. Dallas Merrell, First Counselor; Cree-L Kofford, Second Counselor