“Elder L. Edward Brown Of the Seventy,” Ensign, May 1996, 101
Elder L. Edward Brown
Of the Seventy

When L. Edward Brown, who was born in Preston, Idaho, 18 June 1937, was 14, he and his father were busy filling a coal hopper one evening in Dubois, Idaho, where the family lived. His father stopped, looked at Edward, and said, “I think I need to go home.” Once home, his father put on a suit and waited. A few minutes later the phone rang. Edward’s mother had been involved in a terrible auto accident.
“I remember that evening kneeling, pleading with Father in Heaven to save my mother’s life,” recalls Elder Brown. His mother did live, though impaired. From that time on, turning to Father in Heaven became a pattern for his life.
Later, as a young man, his love for his Father in Heaven deepened during his mission in Korea, which was then part of the Northern Far East Mission. Later, at age 34, after marrying Carol Ewer (3 August 1960 in the Logan Temple), the couple returned to Korea, along with five young children (they eventually had eight), where Edward served as mission president.
Teaching the gospel became Elder Brown’s career focus. After graduating from Utah State University, he went to work for the Church Educational System (CES). He earned both master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Kansas. During his 33 years with CES, he worked first as a seminary teacher and institute director, then as area director in eastern Idaho.
During his years in Pocatello, Idaho, he served as bishop and as stake president. His civic roles have included Pocatello mayor, city councilman, and representative for three terms in the Idaho House of Representatives.
In 1995 Elder Brown was called as an Area Authority in the North American Northwest Area. “I am grateful for that training,” he explains. “I love the Savior. He is our hope—the hope of the world.”