undefined undefined President Monson Counsels Young Adults
President Monson Counsels Young Adults
May 1996

“President Monson Counsels Young Adults,” Ensign, May 1996, 110

President Monson Counsels Young Adults

Some 23,000 college-age young adults in the Marriott Center at Brigham Young University, as well as thousands more in meetinghouses throughout North America, received five points of reference for their journey through life from President Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor in the First Presidency.

During the 4 February Church Educational System fireside, President Monson compared mortality to an airline flight: “We have left our heavenly home; we have begun our mortal flight. … A plan has been made known, safeguards given, and training provided to assure a safe flight and an on-time arrival at our destination, even the celestial kingdom of our Heavenly Father.”

Honor Your Heritage

Quoting Tevye from the Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof, President Monson said: “‘Remember, my dear ones, in Anatevka each one of you knows who [you are] and what God expects [you] to become.’ …

“We are reminded of family ties, personal sacrifice, living examples, lessons learned, and love shown,” he added.

Know Who You Are

“Sacred writ and prophetic revelations provide us knowledge of who we are, from whence we came, and where we shall go when we depart mortality,” President Monson continued. “Baptism, confirmation, priesthood, mission, marriage, and family are more than mere words. To you and me they are God-given directions for our safe flight.”

Prepare for Your Flight

“You can’t simply wish upon a star and have your dream come true,” said President Monson. “Personal effort is required, and at times grueling, concentrated labor will be necessary. There are no shortcuts. … Learn how to study, how to retain what you hear and what you read, and how to apply that knowledge. Learn to meet your challenges one day at a time. And make time serve you. Don’t just spend time; utilize it.”

Fly on Course

“Check in with Heavenly Father,” President Monson told those listening. “He is ever ready to guide and to inspire you. Unlike modern airports, He never shuts down or is hampered by weather.

“The channel of prayer is ever open. It is your reference point to enable you to fly safely through the calm and the turbulence of life’s flight. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Once excellence has been viewed, one will never be content with mediocrity.”

Arrive Safely

“Maturity brings a refinement to the human soul,” President Monson observed. “Thought precedes action, caution replaces daring, and judgment overcomes rashness. President Joseph Fielding Smith, even in his advanced years, always prayed, ‘May we be true and faithful to the end.’ And that noble prophet was.”


President Thomas S. Monson of the First Presidency speaks to thousands of college-age adults during a Church Educational System fireside. (Photo courtesy of Deseret News.)