undefined undefined A Call for LDS Art
A Call for LDS Art
June 1996

“A Call for LDS Art,” Ensign, June 1996, 80

A Call for LDS Art

The Ensign, which has featured many beautiful and instructive paintings and illustrations, invites Latter-day Saint painters and illustrators to submit photographs of their artwork that they feel would be appropriate for use in the Ensign or on its inside or outside covers.

Artwork may focus on (1) aspects of Latter-day Saint lifestyle, (2) scriptural events, themes, or doctrinal principles, (3) worldwide Latter-day Saint history from 1805 to contemporary times, and (4) any theme that artists feel merits consideration.

Please send slides of your artwork to Ensign Magazine, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like the slides returned.