undefined undefined PAF Release for Macintosh
PAF Release for Macintosh
June 1996

“PAF Release for Macintosh,” Ensign, June 1996, 78

PAF Release for Macintosh

A new release of Personal Ancestral File® for Macintosh computers is now available. This release includes the following new functions:

—Match/Merge, which finds possible duplicate records and allows users to merge them into one.

—Focus, which allows users to create a group of individuals with something in common and view, edit, or print lists from this group.

—Backup and Restore, which allows users to copy very large files onto two or more disks.

—Preview on Screen, which allows users to preview any form or list on screen before printing it.

—Font selection, which gives users the ability to select any system font for screens or printouts.

Other features of the new release enables users to count ancestors and descendants, find relationships, calculate dates, create a birth date graph, put Ahnentafel numbers in the ID number field, and print a list of temples.

In addition to these features, the program includes new charts and lists, plus the capability to custom design additional lists. A Family Records Check program also has been added to check and fix data files with common data structure problems.

Personal Ancestral File 2.3.1 Release for Macintosh requires 2 MB of memory, a hard drive, and one double-sided 800K disk drive. It is available through the Salt Lake Distribution Center for $35.