“Mount Timpanogos Temple Open House, Dedication,” Ensign, Aug. 1996, 80
Mount Timpanogos Temple Open House, Dedication
The First Presidency has announced the dates for a six-week public open house at the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple in American Fork, Utah. The public will be welcome to tour the temple from 10 August through 21 September, except Sundays.
Tickets have been distributed to stake presidents in the Utah South Area and in Salt Lake, Davis, and Morgan Counties. Members in those areas may obtain tickets from their local leaders. They may also obtain tickets for friends and associates of any faith. For the general public and Church members in other areas, tickets can be obtained by calling 801-763-4570.
After the open house, the temple will be dedicated. In order to accommodate as many as possible of the 131,000 members of the Church in the 41 stakes of the temple district, 27 separate dedicatory sessions will be conducted on 13–19 October.
The temple is situated on a 17-acre site on the east bench of American Fork. The temple will be the Church’s 49th operating temple in 29 countries. Another 14 temples are in various stages of planning or construction.
Illustrated by James Porter