undefined undefined Church Museum Seeks Artwork for Children’s Exhibit
Church Museum Seeks Artwork for Children’s Exhibit
October 1996

“Church Museum Seeks Artwork for Children’s Exhibit,” Ensign, Oct. 1996, 80

Church Museum Seeks Artwork for Children’s Exhibit

The Museum of Church History and Art is seeking children’s artwork for an international exhibit in January 1997. The theme will focus on “Latter-day Saint Pioneers of the Past, Present, and Future.” Children between the ages of five and 11 are invited to participate.

“The exhibit will be part of the 1997 Sesquicentennial Celebration commemorating 150 years of pioneering since the Latter-day Saints first entered the Salt Lake Valley in 1847,” said Marilyn Chris Clark, exhibit organizer. “Pioneering has been an integral part of the history of the Church and its members throughout the world. Gospel principles help develop the faith and courage required to be a pioneer.”

It is hoped children will not feel limited to portraying only wagons and handcarts. “Their artwork can represent what it means to be a Latter-day Saint pioneer in any age,” Sister Clark said.

The museum offers these tips for artists: (1) a Latter-day Saint pioneer is some-one who goes before and prepares the way for others; (2) pioneering requires faith, courage, honesty, strength, and hard work; (3) the drawing can show members of the Church from all walks of life accomplishing all kinds of important things during the past 150 years or imagined in the future; (4) the artwork can show spectacular events in Church history or significant quiet actions; (5) there have been, are, and will be many outstanding pioneers from all countries and nationalities among the members of the Church.

Artwork should be on paper no larger than 11 inches by 14 inches (28 cm by 36 cm). It can be a drawing, painting, collage, or other art form using crayons, pastels, charcoal, pencils, oils, or other art mediums.

Clearly indicated on the back of the artwork should be the artist’s name, age, address, ward or branch, and stake or district. Artists should also indicate the names of the pioneers in their pictures, when they lived, and a brief explanation telling why they would be considered pioneers.

Individual entries should be mailed or delivered to the Museum of Church History and Art, 45 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City UT 84150, USA, and must arrive by 8 November 1996.

Approximately 300 of the creative pieces will be selected for display in the exhibit. The exhibit will open on 18 January 1997 and run through 12 October 1997. All artwork will become the property of the museum and will not be returned to participants.