undefined undefined Family Home Evening: Our Conference Gift
Family Home Evening: Our Conference Gift
October 1996

“Family Home Evening: Our Conference Gift,” Ensign, Oct. 1996, 72

Family Home Evening: Our Conference Gift

This year we decided to do something different to help our children learn the importance of the conference messages. First we cut out pictures of all members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Then we pasted the photos on paper, two or three photos per page. We had the sheets copied and gave one set to each child.

During conference we helped the children recognize these great Church leaders. Under the name and picture of each of these 15 men, the children were asked to write down the subject of the talk and the important counsel given. If they wished, they could make notes about other speakers, too, on the reverse side of the papers.

At our next family home evening, we made a list of the various messages and specific counsel received from the prophets and apostles. We voted as a family on one item that all of us could pay particular attention to for the next three months. Then we asked each of the children to choose one other thing from the list to concentrate on personally. We all wrote down our commitments on slips of paper and put them into an envelope.

Our efforts during the next months to follow the prophets would be our own special Christmas gift to the Savior. On Christmas Eve, we opened the envelope, read the slips of paper, and shared our testimonies of being obedient to our Church leaders.—JaNell O’Neil, Pleasant Grove, Utah