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Latter-day Saint Charities
December 1996

“Latter-day Saint Charities,” Ensign, Dec. 1996, 67

Latter-day Saint Charities

The First Presidency has announced the establishment of Latter-day Saint Charities, a charitable, nonprofit corporation designed to help the Church deliver humanitarian aid to poor and needy people of the world.

Since its founding in the 1830s, the Church has provided temporal help to its needy members through the Church welfare program. Church welfare is administered at the local level by bishops, assisted by Relief Society presidents. Fast-offering contributions combined with a system of farms, canneries, storehouses, and other services provide the resources used by bishops in attending to needy Church members.

The Church also has a long history of humanitarian assistance to needy members of other faiths, particularly in response to natural disasters. This assistance has in the past been distributed primarily through other agencies experienced in delivering humanitarian relief. When appropriate, Latter-day Saint Charities will serve as a vehicle for the Church to provide humanitarian aid directly to those in need. The Church, however, will also continue to work with other agencies in delivering humanitarian aid.

Contributions may be made on Church donation slips by writing the words Humanitarian Aid on the line marked “Other.” Those interested in service opportunities may contact Latter-day Saint Charities, 50 E. North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, or telephone 1-801-240-1201.