undefined undefined The Golden Years of Family Home Evening
The Golden Years of Family Home Evening
February 1997

“The Golden Years of Family Home Evening,” Ensign, Feb. 1997, 66

The Golden Years of Family Home Evening

Now that our children have grown up and left home, my husband and I have found rich blessings in maintaining the spirit of holding family home evenings. Following are some ideas to do with or without a spouse.

  • Organize a family home evening group. Take turns preparing a lesson from an Ensign article, a recent conference report, the scriptures, and Church manuals and courses of study.

  • Invite a relative to join with you in researching a common pedigree line.

  • Gather a bouquet of flowers from your garden and take them to a shut-in. Stay and visit for a while.

  • Invite extended family members over for a pioneer evening with old-fashioned games, a taffy pull, and stories about their ancestors.

  • Record on a cassette tape fond memories, fun stories, and messages for a grandchild who lives far away; then mail it.

  • Write letters to missionaries.

  • Check out a Church video from the meetinghouse library and invite someone to share a treat while you both enjoy watching the video.

  • Invite friends, especially nonmembers, over for a potluck dinner. Ask a missionary couple to join you for the meal and to share their inspirational experiences.

  • Update your personal history, or help someone else write theirs by listening to them and typing their experiences.

  • Find out who may be celebrating a birthday at a nearby retirement center. Take a treat or a card and visit them.

  • Organize a group of older single members to perform service projects for one another, such as helping with yard work, quilting, or home repairs.

  • Buy or bake a treat and leave it on the doorstep of someone special in your ward. Include a note of appreciation for that person’s contributions to the ward or community.

  • Read the lessons that will be presented in church the following Sunday.—Judith Hyde, Farmington, Utah