“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 1997, 1 Ensign April 1997 Volume 27 Number 4 Contents First Presidency Message: The Victory over DeathPresident Gordon B. Hinckley Enduring WellElder Neal A. Maxwell PoetryThe Loveliest Flower of Easter Greta Lawoe“Like the Garden of the Lord” (Isa. 51:3) Kathryn E. Clement “The Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee”Larry E. Dahl The One Right Way?Kathleen Titensor Look to the Future with OptimismElder Jack H Goaslind How the Atonement Helped Me Survive DivorceName Withheld The Strength of SacrificeWilliam W. Slaughter Forsaking AllRenée Manwaring On the Trail in April and MayWilliam G. Hartley Pioneers in a Land of ExplorersMark L. Grover Mormon JournalBlessing with a Promise Khumbulani Desmond MdletsheMy Quest in Finding Light and Enlightenment Keith W. WilcoxMy Eyes Were Opened John R. LyleA Secret Prayer Debra LeBaron de St. Jeor“I Can’t Hear You, Mommy” Sandra Savage Phillips Enlisted to ServeDon L. Searle Accepting the Challenge to ChangeJudy C. Olsen DandelionsJa Net Watkins Reading with ChaleenDianne Dibb Forbis Portraits The Visiting Teacher: Recognizing Truth Random Sampler News of the Church On the cover: Front: “He Is Risen,” by Del Parson, oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″, 1996. Courtesy of Kenny Black. Published by Eternal Treasures. Back: The Book of Mormon Testifies of Jesus Christ, by Greg K. Olsen, oil on paper, 37.5″ x 34.5″, 1989. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art. Inside front cover: “He Is Risen,” by Keith Eddington, oil on canvas, 9′2″ x 6′6″. The original was painted in 1964 and was repainted for the Joseph Smith Memorial Building Legacy Theater in 1994. “He is risen! He is risen! Tell it out with joyful voice. He has burst his three days’ prison; let the whole wide earth rejoice. Death is conquered, man is free. Christ has won the victory” (Hymns, no. 199). Inside back cover: Come, Hear a Prophet’s Voice, by Glen Edwards, oil on canvas, 20″ x 24″, 1996. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art Fourth International Art Competition. A scene of President Brigham Young with the Camp of Israel, the advance, exploratory company of pioneers of 1847, who trekked to the Great Salt Lake Valley. On 14 January 1847 the Lord instructed the Saints in a revelation to President Young: “The Word and Will of the Lord concerning the Camp of Israel in their journeyings to the West: Let all the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and those who journey with them, be organized into companies, with a covenant and promise to keep all the commandments and statutes of the Lord our God” (D&C 136:1–2).