“Contents,” Ensign, Aug. 1997, 1 Ensign August 1997 Volume 27 Number 8 Contents First Presidency Message: Inspirational ThoughtsPresident Gordon B. Hinckley The Joseph Smith Translation: “Plain and Precious Things” RestoredDavid Rolph Seely Poetry The Temple Garment: “An Outward Expression of an Inward Commitment”Elder Carlos E. Asay Uniting Blended FamiliesElder Robert E. Wells They Came by HandcartPaul H. Peterson Remembering the RescueArtwork from the new Mormon Handcart Visitors’ Center at Sun Ranch in Wyoming depicts the rescue of the Willie and Martin Handcart Companies On the Trail in AugustWilliam G. Hartley Dad’s LessonsScott W. Parker The Visiting Teacher: “Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole” “Faithful, Good, Virtuous, True”: Pioneers in the PhilippinesR. Lanier Britsch Mormon Journal“That Baby’s Not Yours!” Elder José Teixeira da Silva, as told to Paul ConnersMy Grandchildren’s New Mother Margaret Krebs MidgleyTouched by Their Faith Tracey Webb LathropCrows in Place of Seagulls A. Leon HardcastleI Found My Answer Kathryn P. BenfellMy Best Calling Ever Earl Stowell Portraits Random Sampler News of the Church On the cover: Trail of Sacrifice—Valley of Promise, by Clark Kelley Price, oil on masonite board, 18″ x 24″, 1995. Inside front cover: Path of Courage, by Glen S. Hopkinson, oil on canvas, 30″ x 72″, 1996. Courtesy of Franklin Quest Incorporated. Between 1856 and 1860, ten Latter-day Saint handcart companies pushed and pulled across the rugged American Plains as they journeyed to the Salt Lake Valley. These often poor Saints could make the 1,300-mile trek west in three to four months. Nearly 3,000 pioneers successfully reached the valley through this mode of travel. Inside back cover: Eliza R. Snow at the Platte River, by Beth Jepson, mixed media, 18″ x 14″, 1996. On Thursday, 26 August 1847, while spending some time on the bank of the Platte River en route to the Salt Lake Valley, Eliza R. Snow wrote in her journal of the pioneer experience: “Beneath the sparkling concave / When stars in millions come / To cheer the pilgrim strangers / And bid us be at home, / Beneath the lovely moonlight / Where Cynthia [the moon] spreads her rays, / In social groups we gather / We join in songs of praise.”