undefined undefined Deseret News Building Dedicated
Deseret News Building Dedicated
August 1997

Deseret News Building Dedicated,” Ensign, Aug. 1997, 78

Deseret News Building Dedicated

All three members of the First Presidency participated in the dedication of the new Deseret News facility, a nine-story Salt Lake City building housing the 147-year-old, Church-owned daily newspaper.

Regarding the Deseret News and the new facility, President Hinckley said: “With this new building and under new leadership, it faces the future with high confidence to win and hold a strong and challenging leadership. The past is not good enough. The present is not good enough. Constant improvement must be its goal for the future. Truth without favor must be its watchword—able reporting and editing, fearless editorial advocacy, interesting features.”

President Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor in the First Presidency, offered the dedicatory prayer. He has been associated with the newspaper for 49 years in a variety of positions, including 19 years as chairman of the board of directors. “In harmony with our belief that the U.S. Constitution is an inspired document and that America has a special mission, the Deseret News will defend and promote the principles of the Constitution and the great freedoms for which the nation stands,” he said.

President Faust, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, has also served on the newspaper’s board of directors. “This building makes a statement about the future of the Deseret News and the confidence we have in that future,” he said. “Of course, everything is changing in the communications world. We will adapt, and we will change with it,” he said.