undefined undefined New Counselors in Young Men Presidency
New Counselors in Young Men Presidency
August 1997

“New Counselors in Young Men Presidency,” Ensign, Aug. 1997, 78

New Counselors in Young Men Presidency

The First Presidency has announced the assignment of Elder Vaughn J Featherstone of the Seventy as President of the Pacific Area and his release as first counselor in the Young Men general presidency.

Succeeding him as first counselor in the Young Men presidency is Elder F. David Stanley, who previously served as second counselor. Called as second counselor is Elder Robert K. Dellenbach. Both are members of the Seventy.

Elders Stanley and Dellenbach will serve as counselors to Elder Jack H Goaslind of the Presidency of the Seventy, who has served as general president of the Young Men since October 1990.