undefined undefined Top Graduate
Top Graduate
August 1997

“Top Graduate,” Ensign, Aug. 1997, 71

Top Graduate

Lisa Grow not only graduated first in her class of 560 at Harvard Law School, but she also is the first woman to graduate summa cum laude from that institution. The Salt Lake City native says: “I was actually very intimidated when I got here. I did OK at the University of Utah. I wondered, ‘Does that mean I can do OK here too?’”

Sister Grow certainly did “do OK,” proving herself many times over while attending Harvard. Her accomplishments include serving as the lead editor of student contributions to the Harvard Law Review.

As one of a handful of Latter-day Saints in her class, Sister Grow has had many opportunities to tell others about the Church. “A lot of people here have never met any Latter-day Saints before,” she says. “It’s been exciting to be able to give them information and answer their questions.”

Following her graduation from law school in June, Sister Grow began working as a clerk for a federal appeals judge. After she serves in this position for one year, she will be a law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. She is a member of the Cambridge Fifth Ward, Boston Massachusetts Stake.