“Contents,” Ensign, Dec. 1997, 1
December 1997
Volume 27 Number 12
On the cover: Front: The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth, by Harry Anderson, oil on canvas, 85″ x 130″, 1968. Back: Even the “Wise Men” of the Earth Must Follow Divine Direction, by J. Leo Fairbanks, oil on canvas, 25.75″ x 36″, 1933. (Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art.)
Inside front cover: Nephi’s Vision of Mary, by Judith Mehr, oil on hardboard, 44″ x 34″, 1994. (Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art.)
Inside back cover: Beehive, Lion House, and Salt Lake Temple, by Rebecca W. Hartvigsen, watercolor, 22″ x 30″, 1994. Courtesy of Duff and Sharlene Thompson. Shown here with a light blanket of snow are the Beehive House (center), built in 1854, and the Lion House (left), constructed in 1856. Eagle Gate, which spans State Street at its intersection with South Temple Street, was built in 1859 and modernized in 1967. The Salt Lake Temple was dedicated in 1893.