undefined undefined New Church Documentary Film: Ensign to the Nations
New Church Documentary Film: Ensign to the Nations
December 1997

“New Church Documentary Film: Ensign to the Nations,” Ensign, Dec. 1997, 65

New Church Documentary Film: Ensign to the Nations

A new Church-produced documentary film titled Ensign to the Nations premiered on KSL-TV in Salt Lake City during October 1997 general conference and was also broadcast via satellite to Church meetinghouses. Featuring Church members telling their stories of gospel pioneering in nations worldwide, the documentary touches on Church history from 1847 to 1997.

“It features people who took hold of the Church in their native land and spent their lives bringing it to their countrymen,” said Russ Holt, senior producer in the Church’s Audiovisual Department. “It offers a panoramic view of the Church.”

The new documentary will be made available on videocassette through Church distribution centers in the near future.

A film crew shoots a scene for Ensign to the Nations at the Hawaii Temple. (Photo by Rhett Fernsten.)