January 1998

“Comment,” Ensign, Jan. 1998, 80


When Loved Ones Go Astray

I appreciate the articles the Ensign publishes dealing with spiritual and emotional survival after divorce. I am concerned, however, about many people’s perception of divorced brethren.

There are numerous men who have kept their covenants and been there for their wives and children and have, for one reason or another, found themselves in divorce court. It must be remembered that not all divorces involve bad husbands abandoning faithful wives and children.

Help and support should be offered to brethren as well as sisters who find themselves in divorces they did not instigate or bring about. We all need help to struggle through our terrible ordeals.

Name Withheld

Tears, Trials, Trust, Testimony

I just read the article “Tears, Trials, Trust, Testimony” in the September 1997 Ensign and would like to comment.

I attended a class at an institute as a nonstudent. On one occasion the instructor asked how the worth of something could be assessed. After some profound comments by class members, an economics student piped up and said, “Something is worth whatever another is willing to pay for it.” Everyone agreed that this was the most correct answer.

The instructor read scriptures that talk about the worth of a soul, then reminded the class that Jesus Christ paid with his life for ours. This realization has helped me through many situations since.

Jeff Wright
Cheyenne, Wyoming

On the Trail

As a history teacher and former seasonal ranger at Fort Laramie National Historic Site, let me say how much I appreciate the balance found in “On the Trail in October” in the October 1997 Ensign. While I have appreciated recent articles about the Willie-Martin Handcart Companies and hardship on the trail, I was definitely feeling the need for this article, which describes the typical trail experience.

Years ago an elderly neighbor told us about an incident in her life. Her father had come across the plains as a small boy. One day she asked him, “What was it like to cross the plains?” He just smiled and said, “Well, honey, nothing happened. We just crossed the plains.”

The reality of travel on the trail for many later travelers was generally four months of monotony, punctuated occasionally by events that might or might not have been worth a sentence in a diary.

Carla Kelly
Valley City, North Dakota
