The Sustaining of Church Officers
May 1998

“The Sustaining of Church Officers,” Ensign, May 1998, 20

Saturday Afternoon Session
4 April 1998


The Sustaining of Church Officers

My brothers and sisters, President Hinckley has requested that I now present to you the General Authorities, Area Authority Seventies, and general auxiliary presidencies of the Church for your sustaining vote.

It is proposed that we sustain Gordon Bitner Hinckley as prophet, seer, and revelator and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Thomas Spencer Monson as First Counselor in the First Presidency; and James Esdras Faust as Second Counselor in the First Presidency. Those in favor may manifest it. Those opposed, if any, may manifest it.

It is proposed that we sustain Thomas Spencer Monson as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Boyd Kenneth Packer as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the following as members of that quorum: Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, David B. Haight, Neal A. Maxwell, Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, and Henry B. Eyring. Those in favor, please manifest it. Any opposed.

It is proposed that we sustain the Counselors in the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators. All in favor, please manifest it. Contrary, if there be any, by the same sign.

It is proposed that we sustain Elders Sheldon F. Child, Quentin L. Cook, and Francisco J. Viñas as members of the First Quorum of the Seventy. All in favor, please manifest it. Any opposed.

It is proposed that we sustain Elders Athos M. Amorím, E Ray Bateman, Val R. Christensen, Ronald T. Halverson, Earl M. Monson, Merrill C. Oaks, H. Bryan Richards, Ned B. Roueché, D. Lee Tobler, Gordon T. Watts, Stephen A. West, Robert J. Whetten, and Ray H. Wood as members of the Second Quorum of the Seventy. All in favor, please manifest it. Any opposed, by the same sign.

It is proposed that we sustain the following as Area Authority Seventies: Henry F. Acebedo, Juan A. Alvaradejo, Modesto M. Amistad Jr., Horacio P. Araya, Gustavo A. Barrios, Craig A. Bullock, Adhemar Damiani, Edgardo E. Fernando, Franz R. Gaag, Daniel L. Johnson, Wilfredo R. López, Jairo Mazzagardi, Jesús Nieves, Adrián Ochoa, Emmanuel O. Opare Sr., and Willy F. Zuzunaga. Those in favor may manifest it. Those opposed may also manifest it.

It is proposed that we sustain the other General Authorities, Area Authority Seventies, and general auxiliary presidencies as presently constituted. Those in favor, please manifest it. Any opposed may manifest it.

It appears that the sustaining has been unanimous in the affirmative. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your faith and prayers.

We shall now ask the newly called members of the Second Quorum of the Seventy to take their places on the stand.