July 1998

“Contents,” Ensign, July 1998, 1


July 1998

Volume 28 Number 7

On the cover: Photography by Jed Clark and Tamra Hamblin. The Brigham Young farmhouse (above), at the entrance to Old Deseret Village, located near Emigration Canyon in Salt Lake City. Volunteers in costume (right) and pioneer artifacts (far right) help reflect the historic past.

Inside front cover: “All Is Well,” by Glen S. Hopkinson, oil on canvas, 30″ x 40″, 1987. Courtesy of Dr. and Mrs. Terry Clayton. In the muddy camp at Locust Creek near the Iowa-Missouri state line, William Clayton introduced his new hymn “All Is Well,” set to the tune of an English folk song. Frustrated by the Camp of Israel’s trials, slow progress, living conditions, and the burdens of caring for his own family, William Clayton wrote the words when he learned of a son’s birth in Nauvoo on 15 April 1846. Known today as “Come, Come, Ye Saints” (Hymns, no. 30), it reminds us that “Our God will never us forsake; … All is well! All is well!” (verse 2).

Inside back cover: Elijah and King Ahab in Naboth’s Vineyard, by Robert T. Barrett, oil on canvas, 22″ x 28″, 1990. King Ahab of Israel commanded the stoning of Naboth so that he might obtain possession of Naboth’s vineyard. Subsequently, the Lord instructed Elijah to confront the king about his sin, saying: “Hast thou killed, and also taken possession?” (1 Kgs. 21:19). Elijah then prophesied that because of the king’s sins, both he and his household ultimately would be destroyed.