undefined undefined Our Son Was Blessed
Our Son Was Blessed
July 1998

“Our Son Was Blessed,” Ensign, July 1998, 62–63

Our Son Was Blessed

It was the end of the summer, and my four-year-old son, Kento, had been playing inside our home in Komatsu, Honshu, Japan, while I busied myself with various tasks. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of screeching brakes. Alarmed, I hurried outside to see my son lying on the street, with his left foot bleeding badly and part of the bone showing. Even his favorite blue Mickey Mouse shoe had been partially melted by friction as it was pushed across the pavement.

In the ambulance all the way to the hospital, I held Kento’s hand and tried to comfort him, but I was trembling with shock. My husband, Yasunobu, was out of town on business, and it would take hours for him to return. Kento kept calling for his daddy, and though I tried to remain calm, in my heart I too was crying hard for Yasunobu to come back.

At last Yasunobu returned, and we were able to bear this trial together. The doctors told us that Kento had suffered no serious head injuries but that his foot, although doing better than expected, would require many surgeries until Kento reached his teenage years. Even then, they said, it would never be the same and he would always walk with a limp.

During the next weeks as I waited in the hospital, I kept reading and repeating a scripture to myself to gain strength: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:36). My faith supported me, and my testimony of the priesthood would continue to help me through this difficult time in my family’s life.

Seven days after the accident, I had a dream. In my dream I was praying beside Kento’s bed after hearing the doctor’s explanation about Kento’s condition. Then I heard a voice say, “This boy will recover from his injury faster than the average case.”

At first I thought the doctor had returned to the room. However, when I looked around in my dream I saw a man in white standing next to my sleeping son. He said again, “This boy will recover from his injury faster than the average case.” The message gave me comfort and peace and deepened my hope and faith.

Yasunobu and I fasted and prayed often. One day Yasunobu said to me, “Isn’t there any way Kento can receive a blessing from our Church leaders?” After discussing it, we decided to write a letter to President Thomas S. Monson of the First Presidency and explain our son’s situation. In the letter we said that because of our great concern when Kento was released from the hospital we would even come to Utah if necessary, and we asked President Monson if he would please take the time to give Kento a blessing.

It wasn’t long before we received a reply to our letter. President Monson had found the time to ask our priesthood leaders to visit us. He said that there was no need to make the journey from Japan to Utah, testifying that we had the same access to the priesthood in our own home as in Salt Lake City. The Lord would bless us according to our faith and his will.

Kento’s name was placed on the temple prayer roll. Two days later, when he was having the dressing on his foot changed, he was able to move his foot—even though the doctor had said he would not be able to do so because his tendon had been severed.

“It cannot be possible without surgery,” the doctor exclaimed with wonder. Yet when he examined Kento’s foot carefully, the tendon was intact.

Although Kento’s foot looked sore, that day he was able to walk without pain. A week later, to the doctor’s amazement, Kento was running down the corridor of the hospital.

Our blessings continued. Not long after, our branch president, district president, and others came to see Kento and to help give him a priesthood blessing. There was a sacred, spiritual atmosphere in our home. As the men listened, one leader talked about the power of the priesthood, mentioning that each priesthood holder in the room held the same priesthood power. As the priesthood leader in our home, Yasunobu could choose someone to give the priesthood blessing to Kento. Yasunobu said that he would like one of the men to anoint Kento and that he would like to administer.

Later Yasunobu told me that because of what our leaders said that day—even though in our trial we wanted our leaders involved—he felt it really didn’t matter who spoke the words of the blessing, for the power of the Spirit was there and the priesthood holders were united as the blessing was given.

After the blessing, Kento never complained about his foot. He showed his faith by not complaining. Now, as I watch my healthy son run and play, my heart fills with gratitude for the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the priesthood. I am so grateful for a husband worthy of holding the priesthood power so that our family may be blessed no matter where we are.

  • Kazuko Tamaki, a member of the Komatsu Branch, is a district missionary in the Japan Nagoya Mission.