July 1998

“Comment,” Ensign, July 1998, 80


Seize the Joy

I need to thank you for printing the article entitled “Seize the Joy!” in the March 1998 issue. It was not only inspirational but brought me great comfort. I am a young mother of two boys aged 15 months and 3 months. Needless to say, my hands are always full and my time is very limited. The words of Winnie Dalley helped me remember that motherhood is the greatest gift bestowed upon women. It is a sacred and holy calling but one that is sometimes hard to find the joy in. Thank you for brightening up my outlook and reminding me of the eternal joy that comes with being a mother!

Bonnie Lee Ford
Dayton, Ohio

Update: USS Intrepid Sacrament Tray

This sacrament tray was made in 1944 by 23 LDS sailors on board the USS Intrepid, who used nickel-plated 20mm shell casings as sacrament cups. The sacrament tray shown in the April 1998 issue on page 43 was made by LDS sailors on board the USS Nevada.

Old Testament Articles

I have particularly enjoyed all of the articles since January pertaining to the Old Testament. There is one article, however, that seems to shine like no other. It captured the entire gospel plan of salvation in the briefest form and with the most understanding I have ever read. That article was “The Abrahamic Covenant” in the January issue. I have read that article three times now and am impressed by the magnitude of the message each and every time.

Brentwood Hepworth
Caliente, Nevada

