Education Week to Be Broadcast to Stake Centers
August 1998

“Education Week to Be Broadcast to Stake Centers,” Ensign, Aug. 1998, 76

Education Week to Be Broadcast to Stake Centers

To extend educational opportunities to more Church members, the Church Educational System and Brigham Young University will broadcast portions of the university’s Campus Education Week during 18–21 August. These sessions will be broadcast over the Church satellite system to stake centers in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean and will also be seen on KBYU-TV.

Videotapes of these presentations will not be commercially available. However, presentations may be recorded for home use only, and meetinghouse libraries have been authorized to record and retain a set of the broadcasts for Church use only. For more information, contact the CES Continuing Education Program at 801-378-2087 or on the Internet at coned.byu.edu/ed/edweek.htm.

Tuesday, 18 August

5:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Significance of Living in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times

6:00 P.M. (MDT)—“Be One; and if Ye Are Not One Ye Are Not Mine” (D&C 38:27)

7:00 P.M. (MDT)—Devotional address by Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

8:00 P.M. (MDT)—Gospel Values for Youth

9:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Mission and Work of the Savior

Wednesday, 19 August

5:00 P.M. (MDT)—Follow the Living Prophet: Our Part Is to Listen and Obey

6:00 P.M. (MDT)—What the Restoration Means to Families: A Gospel View of Everyday Life

7:00 P.M. (MDT)—Temples: The Connecting Link between Time and Eternity

8:00 P.M. (MDT)—Basic Financial Planning Techniques and the Law of the Harvest

9:00 P.M. (MDT)—Out of Obscurity: The Gospel, the Media, and the Individual in Furthering the Work of the Kingdom

Thursday, 20 August

5:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Great Plan of Happiness

6:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Still Small Voice That Whispers: Revelation and How It Comes

7:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Scriptures: Our Best Marriage Manual

8:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Power of Music to Lift and Teach

9:00 P.M. (MDT)—Prayer: The Soul’s Sincere Desire

Friday, 21 August

5:00 P.M. (MDT)—Some “Plain and Precious Things” Restored and Clarified in the Doctrine and Covenants

6:00 P.M. (MDT)—That We May Always Remember Him

7:00 P.M. (MDT)—The Post-Earthly Spiritual Existence

8:00 P.M. (MDT)—DNA and the Dead Sea Scrolls: How Do the Pieces Fit?

9:00 P.M. (MDT)—Lessons from LDS Church History: The Martyrdom at Carthage