November 1998 Contents Report of the 168th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gordon B. HinckleyWelcome to Conference M. Russell BallardAre We Keeping Pace? H. David BurtonA Season of Opportunity Virginia U. Jensen“Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice” Robert D. HalesHealing Soul and Body Thomas S. MonsonThink to Thank The Sustaining of Church Officers Boyd K. PackerParents in Zion Joseph B. WirthlinCultivating Divine Attributes E Ray BatemanPearls from the Sand Athos M. AmorímObeying the Law—Serving One’s Neighbor Val R. ChristensenOvercoming Discouragement Henry B. EyringA Voice of Warning David B. HaightSustaining the Prophets Dallin H. OaksThe Aaronic Priesthood and the Sacrament D. Todd ChristoffersonThe Priesthood Quorum H. Bryan Richards“As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord” James E. Faust“By What Power … Have Ye Done This?” Thomas S. MonsonToday Determines Tomorrow Gordon B. HinckleyTo the Boys and to the Men James E. FaustOpening the Windows of Heaven Neal A. MaxwellHope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ David E. SorensenSmall Temples—Large Blessings Susan L. WarnerBear Record of Him Richard G. ScottThe Power of Righteousness Gordon B. HinckleyWhat Are People Asking about Us? L. Tom PerryYouth of the Noble Birthright Jeffrey R. HollandPersonal Purity Ronald T. Halverson“Ye Also Shall Bear Witness” Earl M. MonsonEstablishing the Church Merrill C. OaksThe Living Prophet: Our Source of Pure Doctrine Gordon T. WattsGratitude Russell M. NelsonWe Are Children of God Gordon B. HinckleyBenediction Mary Ellen SmootCome, Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord Virginia U. JensenCome to Relief Society Sheri L. DewWe Are Not Alone Gordon B. HinckleyWalking in the Light of the Lord News of the Church Changes in Seventy Leadership President Hinckley Visits Canada and Texas President Packer and Elder Scott Speak at BYU Temple Update Natural Disasters Affect Members Worldwide