“Putting Ourselves in the Manger Scene,” Ensign, Dec. 1998, 61
Putting Ourselves in the Manger Scene
As a Mia Maid teacher I was asked to prepare a special Sunday Christmas lesson for all the young women. A manger was constructed of shredded newsprint draped over a table. A life-sized cardboard donkey was propped beside it. A young couple with a baby was invited to portray Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus in our silent Nativity.
Each girl was assigned to represent a particular figure from the Nativity scene and share the feelings she might have if she had been present at Jesus’ birth. As the girls stood, one by one, expressing their feelings, their countenances changed and the depth of their thoughts was impressive. Joseph and Mary shared with humility the search for refuge and the great responsibility they had to teach Jesus the things his Father wanted him to know. Many young women wept as they portrayed their characters, explaining the privilege of attending the Savior’s birth and what that birth meant to them and to the world. Even those representing animals had amazing insights into the significance of the moment.
Following each sister’s testimony of Jesus Christ, we sang an appropriate carol. Then, with the room lights out and the glowing Nativity before us, we joined hands and sang “Silent Night.” As we reflected on the testimonies of those beautiful young women, tears fell, hearts overflowed, and we were all reminded that we are daughters of God.—Jolene Picker, Hermiston, Oregon