January 1999

“Contents,” Ensign, Jan. 1999, 1


January 1999

Volume 29 Number 1

On the cover: Front: The Light of the World, © 1998 Greg K. Olsen, oil on masonite, 20″ x 22″. Courtesy of the artist and Mill Pond Press, Inc. Back: Detail from Innocence, by Lynn Farrar, oil on masonite, 36″ x 48″, 1992.

Inside front cover: Light of the World, by Derek J. Hegsted, oil on canvas masonite, 30″ x 24″, 1997. Depicted here in a quiet moment with Mary, the Christ child focuses on the light of the lamp, an image evoking Abinadi’s words about the Lord Jesus Christ: “He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9).

Inside back cover: The Astonished Doctors, by Mathew C. Judd, oil on canvas, 32″ x 40″, 1998. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art. After searching for three days in Jerusalem following the Passover feast, Mary and Joseph found 12-year-old Jesus in the temple with the doctors, or teachers, who were amazed at His understanding and answers to their questions (see JST, Luke 2:46).