President Faust Speaks to Police Chiefs
January 1999

“President Faust Speaks to Police Chiefs,” Ensign, Jan. 1999, 76

President Faust Speaks to Police Chiefs

“My brief message today is a hope, even a prayer, that law enforcement efforts and police officials all over the world could be more family friendly,” said President James E. Faust, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, to some 300 police officials from 64 nations gathered in Salt Lake City for the annual convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. President Faust delivered his remarks during a luncheon held in the Church Office Building on 20 October.

“Our nations will not be stronger than our families,” President Faust said. “This is because a strong family is the basic unit of our society. It is in the families and the churches of our society that the values of honesty, decency, morality, and respect for the law are taught. … With these values strongly in place among the citizenry, there would be less crime and violence.”

President Faust explained to police officials the Church’s teachings about honoring and sustaining the law, as stated in the 12th article of faith [A of F 1:12]. He said: “Your work is essential if we are to have a civilized society. Protection from crime is vital. Yours is a difficult task. It is dangerous. … Without conscientious peace officers, society will crumble and we will inherit chaos.”
