undefined undefined Comment
February 1999

“Comment,” Ensign, Feb. 1999, 80


“Light in Darkness”

I felt I must write a thank-you for your article on psychiatric disorders. How comforting to read of other Church members who suffer similar problems. I have suffered from myalgic encephalomyelitis for five years now, and one component of that illness is anxiety and panic disorders, especially agoraphobia.

For many months I punished myself, convinced that it was my own fault, that I was being punished for a lack of faith. But, with the constant love of my Church leaders, my family and friends, and, most important, my Father in Heaven, I have come to realise this is a trial and I will have to let “thy will be done.”

Although I have yet to be healed, whenever I’m having a bad day the Lord always blesses me with small miracles to get me through the day. I can even say I am thankful to have had this challenge, because I have come closer to Heavenly Father and my Saviour and have learnt to put my trust in them.

Sara McCullum
Ipswich, England