Enduring Well
February 1999

“Enduring Well,” Ensign, Feb. 1999, 69

Enduring Well

About two years ago, Sister Floripes Luzia Damasio arrived at the São Paulo Temple with other members of the João Monlevade Branch, Belo Horizonte Brazil Stake. During this temple excursion on 3–7 June 1997, she went through at least three sessions each day and was also sealed to her deceased husband and to other family members. This 500-kilometer trip (310 miles) was the third time Sister Floripes had attended the temple since her baptism in 1993.

None of these facts seems entirely unusual unless one knows a little about Sister Floripes and her circumstances.

Sister Floripes was born on 13 December 1889, just over one year after the May 1888 declaration freeing the slaves in Brazil. Her parents were former slaves who had worked for owners of sugar plantations. Sister Floripes, however, was born into freedom. She learned from her parents to place a high value on life, on freedom, and on work.

It wasn’t until 11 July 1993—at age 103—that Sister Floripes was baptized a member of the Church. In 1994, she traveled to the São Paulo Temple for her endowment. During her latest trip to the temple, she was 107 years old! While serving in the temple, Sister Floripes did not want to rest. She was a little tired but explained she was very happy being in the temple.

Now at age 109, Sister Floripes has outlived 5 of her 12 children. She still plants and harvests her own food, cooks her own meals, and takes care of a widowed daughter when she is ill. And Sister Floripes always arrives at the meetinghouse early on Sunday—in spite of having to walk a distance and then catch a bus.

Sister Floripes does not give in easily to annoyances and challenges of life. Her spine may have been curved by the passage of time, but she shows much determination and perseverance and is an example of finding happiness in righteous living.
