Policies and Announcements
March 1999

“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, Mar. 1999, 76

Policies and Announcements

Member Communication with Church Headquarters

The First Presidency issued the following letter, dated 24 September 1998, to be read aloud in sacrament meetings worldwide:

“With the blessings of an ever-increasing membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, correspondence directed to Church headquarters as well as individual requests delivered to General Authorities present an almost insurmountable task, making it difficult for the Brethren to fulfill the duties for which they are alone responsible. We love the members of this Church and do not want anyone to feel they are without available resources. However, all things need to be done with wisdom and order.

“One of the great blessings enjoyed by the members of this worldwide Church is that of having a bishop or branch president and a stake, mission, or district president who have been set apart to provide spiritual counsel and guidance to those within their stewardship. We have great confidence in these leaders who are in the best position to be of assistance and to whom members should turn. We believe that both members and local leaders will be blessed as they pray and counsel together in an effort to resolve matters of concern to them.”

Missionary Communication with Families

The following letter, dated 7 December 1998 and signed by President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, was sent to priesthood leaders worldwide:

“As missionaries write to their families each week, they normally should not use electronic forms of written communication (such as E-mail or fax communication services).

“In areas where serious postal service problems exist, the mission president may, in consultation with the Area Presidency, allow missionaries to communicate with their families once each week by electronic means of communication. In such cases the mission president should take care that the missionaries do not impose on Church members who have computers or fax machines, nor should they use facilities that would be inappropriate for missionaries to visit.”
