“Elder H. Bruce Stucki Of the Seventy,” Ensign, May 1999, 113
Elder H. Bruce Stucki
Of the Seventy

“Everything we did, we did together,” says Elder H. Bruce Stucki about life with his wife, Cheryl Cox Stucki, and their six children. “My wife made a family flag with the names of our kids and the motto We Do It Together. We fished, went boating, hunted, worked, and gathered wood together. We worked hard, but we always made it enjoyable and had a reward at the end, like a cookout or ice cream party.”
At the time of his call to the Second Quorum of the Seventy, Elder Stucki was serving as president of the England Manchester Mission. “We carried that slogan with us into the mission,” he says. “The missionaries were all our family: our sons and daughters. We did the Lord’s work together as missionaries, local leaders, and members.”
Born 1 December 1937 in St. George, Utah, Elder Stucki grew up in the nearby farming community of Santa Clara, Utah. He married Cheryl Cox in 1955, and they were sealed in the St. George Temple in 1957. Today they have 17 grandchildren. After graduating from Dixie College and the University of Utah in management, Elder Stucki entered the food distribution business and later became a real estate developer in the western United States.
“The knowledge of how to organize and plan helped in my Church involvement,” he says. “And the tempering of the Church made me a better employer.” He served on the St. George Utilities Commission and Utah Board of Regents, and with the Utah Partnership for Economic Development, and he began the scheduled air service in Utah that later developed into Skywest Airlines.
In the Church, Elder Stucki has been a Scouting and Young Men leader, a bishop, a stake president, a regional representative, and an Area Authority. “The Lord has been very good to us,” he says. “There was a time when we needed the Lord’s help and a blessing when a member of our family was seriously ill. We received that special blessing from the Lord, and we have always been grateful and felt indebted to Him. But we have learned that the more we try to pay Him back, the more He blesses us. So we just focus on the joy and happiness that come from serving Him.”