Stilling Molly’s Storm
June 1999

“Stilling Molly’s Storm,” Ensign, June 1999, 59

Stilling Molly’s Storm

It was a rare, mild winter day in the Scotland Edinburgh Mission. My companion and I loved the few days when it actually did not rain, and this was one of them. We were especially glad because we had felt prompted to open a new street for proselyting. Unfortunately, the feelings of urgency we sensed that day did not match the steady stream of rejections we were encountering at every door.

To our surprise, a door finally opened and a lady smiled sweetly at us with a look of recognition, inviting us into her living room. “Somehow I knew He would send you,” she said, clutching a piece of writing paper. “I knew I couldn’t do it.” Puzzled, we followed her in and sat down.

We learned that Molly was from South Africa. The last few months had been especially stressful for Molly as she had cared for her terminally ill husband until his death. She had come to Edinburgh the previous week, hoping a visit to her daughter would revive her spirits. But upon arriving in Scotland she had received only rejection and criticism from her daughter. Molly felt she could take no more and that day decided to end her life. She was writing the suicide note when we knocked on her door.

We extended our love to Molly that afternoon and taught her about the plan of salvation, assuring her that all was well with her husband. We bore witness of the Savior’s love and concern for her, and as we knelt with her in prayer, the Spirit of the Lord filled the room, bringing tears to our eyes and peace to our hearts. Later, we left Molly to finish making her preparations to return to South Africa, where she planned to take the discussions and learn more about temples and eternal marriage.

My companion and I were deeply moved by our experience with Molly and her situation. Gratitude for the gospel and the influence of the Holy Ghost filled our hearts. We walked to a small park and knelt in humble prayer to give thanks to our Father in Heaven for guiding us to her.

Months later, after I returned home from my mission, my mother gave me a letter she had received. Molly had written to tell my family about the two “angels” who had visited her when she most needed help. Her letter of happiness had a tremendous impact on my nonmember parents.

My companion and I thought that winter day in Scotland was mild, but we had found a storm in Molly’s life. I am grateful that we followed the promptings of the Spirit and were led to her and that the gospel helped lift her that day and changed her life.

  • Joy Anne Peden of the Bangor Second Ward, Belfast Northern Ireland Stake, serves as first counselor in the stake Primary presidency.
