undefined undefined In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
July 1999

“In the Spotlight,” Ensign, July 1999, 68

In the Spotlight

  • Marilyn Jensen Dougall of Portland, Oregon, was recently recognized as 1999 Oregon Mother of the Year. Sister Dougall is the mother of 11 children and a member of the Raleigh Hills Ward, Beaverton Oregon Stake. Six of her sons and a daughter have served full-time missions. Two fellow nominees for the Oregon award were also active members of the Church. Sisters Marjorie J. Heppler of Oregon City and Carma Swalberg Puffer of Molalla were both finalists in the competition.

  • Lisa Wagner of the Laie Eighth Ward, Laie Hawaii North Hawaii Stake is another LDS woman being recognized as an exceptional mother. Sister Wagner was named Hawaii’s Young Mother of the Year in 1999. She is the mother of three adopted children and credits the gospel with her success as a mother. “My testimony and my belief in the Church are what have made me the person I am today,” says Sister Wagner.