The Power of Service in Conversion and Retention
October 1999

“The Power of Service in Conversion and Retention,” Ensign, Oct. 1999, 52

The Power of Service in Conversion and Retention

Recently, a sister shared the story of her conversion. She said: “My mother spent my growing-up years in a hospital. My father worked hard to raise us and provide for us at the same time. It was not easy—for him or for us. But we were blessed to know a dear Latter-day Saint sister who sent us a loaf of bread every time she baked. When she bottled fruit, she sent some to us. She often came over while we were away and cleaned our home.

“We were not members of the Church then. In fact, none of us joined the Church while she was alive. But because of her example, all four of us children are now active Church members. I hope that somehow she knows what a powerful influence she had on us.”

The Lord declared, “He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it” (Matt. 10:39). We invite all Relief Society sisters to lose themselves in service to others. Genuine friendship and service are invaluable in conversion and retention efforts. Following are ways sisters could involve themselves:

  • Pray to be guided to someone the Lord has prepared to receive the gospel.

  • Help nonmembers learn about their ancestors through the resources at Church Family History Centers™.

  • Visit new converts and ensure they have dedicated visiting teachers.

  • Accompany investigators and new converts to Church meetings and activities.

  • Organize ways for new converts to participate with strong sisters in compassionate service and other activities.

President Hinckley has said: “In this process [of finding those who will listen to the gospel message] we need not be offensive. We need not be arrogant. The most effective tract we will carry will be the goodness of our own lives” (“Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep,” Ensign, May 1999, 107).
