undefined undefined Contents
October 1999

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1999, 1


October 1999

Volume 29 Number 10

On the covers: Front and back: Five of Them Were Wise, by Walter Rane, oil on wood panel, 30″ x 52″, 1999.

Inside front: Eagle Gate Trolley, by Al Rounds, watercolor on paper, 30.5″ x 19.5″, 1993. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hayes. The Beehive House and Eagle Gate are depicted as they may have appeared around 1900. Electric streetcars like the one passing under Eagle Gate replaced horse-drawn trolleys in 1889.

Inside back: Nephi and Lehi in Prison, by Gary L. Kapp, oil on canvas, 48″ x 60″, 1997. Courtesy of David Larsen.