undefined undefined Nourish with the Good Word of God
Nourish with the Good Word of God
March 2000

“Nourish with the Good Word of God,” Ensign, Mar. 2000, 73

Nourish with the Good Word of God

The First Presidency recently announced “a new effort to revitalize and improve teaching in the Church.” The purpose of this renewed emphasis is “to improve gospel teaching in homes and in Church meetings and help nourish members with the good word of God” (First Presidency letter, 15 Sept. 1999).

Stake and ward Sunday School presidencies should ensure that teaching in Sunday School is effective and doctrinally sound. With support from stake Sunday School leaders and the ward teacher improvement coordinator, ward Sunday School presidencies can help improve gospel teaching by doing the following:

  • Counsel together about how to improve gospel teaching and learning. These discussions could include regularly reviewing the material in Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching.

  • Implement the suggestions in Improving Gospel Teaching: A Leader’s Guide, especially the section “Providing Ongoing Support for Each Teacher.”

  • Meet with the ward council to discuss the quality of teaching in Sunday School and to recommend individuals to participate in the Teaching the Gospel course.

  • Meet with the teacher improvement coordinator and the member of the bishopric responsible for Sunday School to discuss teaching concerns and evaluate teacher improvement efforts.

  • Arrange with teachers to visit their classrooms regularly.

  • Help new teachers carry out their responsibilities, and meet with each teacher at least quarterly.

  • Ensure that teachers have and use the appropriate Church-produced materials.

  • Help plan and conduct quarterly teacher improvement meetings.

  • Participate in teacher improvement meetings, and encourage teachers to attend.

  • Be especially attentive to the needs of new converts and newly activated members.

The Lord said: “I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom. Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you” (D&C 88:77–78). The Lord will bless the efforts of Sunday School presidencies as they strive to improve the quality of gospel teaching.

Photo by Steve Bunderson