June 2000

“Comment,” Ensign, June 2000, 80


Postscript to “I Know It’s Hard, Mom”

Thank you for publishing “I Know It’s Hard, Mom” (January 2000), which was written by my wife, Chris. The article dealt with how the gospel helped our children cope while a rare, disabling, and devastating disorder consumed their mother.

Chris wanted to share her testimony of the gospel. The disorder she had made it very difficult to do this since it immobilized her and often made it impossible for her to speak. Through all the trials she had, she remained a bright and shining example to all who knew her.

During the past few years, Chris spent more time in the hospital than out. The disorder overwhelmed all treatments that were tried. When I showed her a copy of her published article, our son asked her if she wanted him to read it to her, but she said, “No, I know what it says by heart.”

Chris had received a priesthood blessing last year that she would remain on earth until her mission was complete. On January 14, in the early morning hours, she slipped the mortal bonds of earth and returned to Heavenly Father. She continued to share her faith at the funeral by her request that “I Believe in Christ” be the first song sung by the congregation.

Wayne G. Geilman
Pleasant Grove, Utah

“Dispelling the Darkness”

Thank you for printing the article “Dispelling the Darkness of Abuse” (February 2000). It was so amazing for me to actually read real words that confirmed the feelings and actions of my own life. This article seemed to be written for me, if not about me.

The person who wrote this article is blessed to have received understanding of her problem and psychological help when her children were relatively young.

I do feel that one cannot do it alone and that spouses have to recognize the problem and work on it with the abused spouse and with the Lord.

Name Withheld
