undefined undefined Family History Software Available in Five Languages
Family History Software Available in Five Languages
June 2000

“Family History Software Available in Five Languages,” Ensign, June 2000, 79

Family History Software Available in Five Languages

Personal Ancestral File (PAF) 4.0 for Windows® for home computers is now available in French, German, and Portuguese, as well as in English and Spanish.

A software program that helps users organize their family history information, PAF can be used at home or at Family History Centers. The program allows users to create pedigree charts, family history group records, logs, lists, and includes multimedia features. PAF 4.0 for Windows is a major upgrade from the DOS-based PAF 3.0.

All five languages of PAF 4.0 can be downloaded at no charge through the FamilySearch™ Internet Genealogy Service at www.familysearch.org. After 1 March, they were also available on compact disc (CD) for $5.00 U.S. through Church distribution centers. System requirements are: Windows 95/98/NT 4.0-plus, Pentium or equivalent processor, 16 or more megabytes of RAM, 20 megabytes of hard-disk space, VGA monitor with 256-color-capable video card, and a 4x CD-ROM or faster.