“Planning Family Home Evening Together,” Ensign, Aug. 2000, 70
Planning Family Home Evening Together
“But the lesson’s not ready,” my 10-year-old moaned, even though the family home evening chart on the wall clearly had her name in the space marked “lesson.” And my 10-year-old wasn’t the only one in our family who sometimes wasn’t prepared when Monday evening came around.
To help solve the problem, we decided to regularly set aside one family home evening to help each other prepare our lessons in advance.
We begin by praying for the Holy Ghost to help us in our preparation. Then we give everyone a copy of the following sample lesson plan:
Topic. Decide what you want the family to learn.
Attention-getter. Choose an object lesson, quiz, word search, picture, puzzle, or scripture hunt that will introduce the topic.
Story. Choose a story from the Family Home Evening Resource Book, Gospel Art Picture Kit, Primary manual, scripture reader, or Church magazines.
Scripture for the week. Using the Topical Guide in the scriptures, select a verse that supports the lesson. Write it on a 3x5 card for the family to learn during the following week.
Testimony. Bear your testimony or express your feelings of the things you have just taught.
Activity. Choose a game or art project that will reinforce the lesson topic.
To help prepare the lessons, have Church magazines, scriptures, hymnals, and other materials nearby. Older children can work independently with only an occasional question for parents. Younger children get help from parents or older siblings. By the end of the evening, every one has a family home evening lesson prepared, complete with visual aids and handouts.
Now when Monday night rolls around and our 10-year-old realizes it’s her turn to teach, she quickly pulls out her lesson and materials to review before family home evening time. That leaves me free to help the child who is wailing, “But I didn’t know I had refreshments.”—Lisa H. Fernelius, Chamberburg First Ward, York Pennsylvania Stake
Illustrated by Beth M. Whittaker