Family History, Historical Departments Combined
September 2000

“Family History, Historical Departments Combined,” Ensign, Sept. 2000, 78

Family History, Historical Departments Combined

The First Presidency recently announced the consolidation of the Family History and Historical Departments to form the Family and Church History Department.

“We are confident that this organizational change will optimize Church resources and result in other positive benefits to the Church and its members and friends,” said the First Presidency in a letter announcing the change.

Combining staff expertise and other resources of the two departments will make it increasingly easier for people to research family and Church history, explained Richard E. Turley Jr., who heads the new department.

Since both departments originated from the Church Historian’s Office, Brother Turley said the consolidation is natural. “For years the two departments have been running in parallel; now they will run together,” he said. The departments “have a lot of complementary functions already.”