undefined undefined Comment
October 2000

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 2000, 79


Strengthening Youth

I read your article “Navigating Turbulent Waters” (July 2000) with great interest. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet is one of the best things that has been printed for young people.

As a grandfather of 16 and a great-grandfather of a growing number of children, I’ve had a hard time deciding what to do for birthday presents for my ever-increasing posterity. I’ve found a great solution. For each birthday, I send a birthday check, a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, and instructions to read the entire pamphlet before cashing the check. I feel this is the finest birthday present I could give my posterity. In acknowledging the check, my young descendants assure me that the pamphlet has been read. I feel that it has a great impact on their lives.

Roy Darley
Salt Lake City, Utah