December 2000

“Comment,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 70


Withholding Judgment

I was sexually abused by the time I was 13 years old. Because of this, when I was in the Young Women program I was not excited about the topic of marriage. I never felt understood by my leaders. I was interested in serving a mission, going to college, and starting a career, with marriage being something I would consider in my 30s. I remember feeling like the only reason that I went to church was because I knew that my Heavenly Father understood and loved me. I did not trust or know how to deal with men in leadership positions. It was not until my mission, that through the example of some wonderful elders, I came to learn to trust men in leadership.

Others in my family deal with clinical depression, and hide it very well, just as I hide some of the effects of my past experiences. But dealing with these burdens can bring on difficulties such as depression, with symptoms such as fatigue and feelings of hopelessness. These can make the normal responsibilities of work and family seem almost unmanageable. Handling additional responsibilities such as Church callings sometimes can appear impossible. Having a spouse that is dealing with such a challenge can depress and exhaust a partner.

My point in discussing these difficulties is to encourage people not to judge. Usually there is a reason behind attitudes and actions; do not assume that because a person comes from a “good Latter-day Saint family” there are no serious personal issues that might be a struggle. Encourage people that work with you in callings to do their best, but realize that what their best is is between that person, the bishop, and Heavenly Father. Although having a testimony of the gospel is incredibly supportive for them when they are struggling with such issues, it still takes a lot of time and energy to deal with mental difficulties or the aftermath of abusive experiences.

Name Withheld

Longing to Be a Mother

I would like to thank you for publishing the article “I Longed to Be a Mother” (Aug. 2000) with its accompanying segment, “Being Sensitive to Couples without Children.” Words cannot express how well I relate to this article.

I have waited so long for something to be written or said in the way of comfort towards those like me who haven’t been able to have children. In publishing this article, you’ve acknowledged that there are many in the Church who are going through this trial. I hope you will continue to publish similar articles to comfort those who struggle with infertility, and to increase understanding and compassion in those who do not.

Ruth B. Braga
West Jordan, Utah

LDS Perspective on Muhammad

Your article “A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Muhammad” (Aug. 2000) provided a refreshing viewpoint of another religion. I am blessed to work with people of different beliefs. Not only has it been insightful and rewarding to me, it has helped me to better understand others.

Jennifer R. Decker
Bountiful, Utah

Taught by Special Witnesses

The Ensign is valuable all the time, but two recent articles particularly touched me: Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s “Insights from My Life” (Aug. 2000), and President James E. Faust’s “Finding the Abundant Life” (July 2000). I have been taught by special witnesses. Thank you!

Samuel R. Drinkwater
San Antonio, Texas
