undefined undefined New Missionary Tool: Pass-Along Cards
New Missionary Tool: Pass-Along Cards
December 2000

“New Missionary Tool: Pass-Along Cards,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 66

New Missionary Tool: Pass-Along Cards

Members wanting to invite friends and acquaintances to receive gospel messages are finding missionary pass-along cards to be an effective tool.

The cards have a gospel-related picture on one side and an invitation on the back to call a toll-free number and request a copy of the Book of Mormon or Church video. The book or the video can be delivered by missionaries or sent by mail, according to the caller’s request.

The cards, now available in North America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, and Scandinavia, have been very effective in pilot programs in various missions.

“Studies have shown that over one-third of those who call request the missionaries to personally deliver the video and share a message about the Church,” said Elder Earl C. Tingey of the Presidency of the Seventy. Elder Tingey is executive director of the Missionary Department.

The cards are “successful because they make it easy for members to become involved in missionary work in a nonthreatening way,” he explained.

The cards can be easily carried in a shirt pocket or purse. Members may give one out with whatever introduction they feel moved to offer. A new card available for the Christmas season has on one side a picture of shepherds in their fields gazing at a bright star in the heavens, and on the other side an invitation to call for a Church video, The Nativity. Two other cards are available, one offering recipients a copy of the Book of Mormon and the other offering the Church’s video The Lamb of God.

The cards can be obtained free of charge from full-time missionaries or stake missionaries or through Church distribution centers.

Studies have shown pass-along cards to be an effective tool for members to share the gospel.