“Extraordinary Service in Nigeria,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 56–57
Extraordinary Service in Nigeria
Since her conversion in 1984, Helen Madumere of the Osisioma Ward, Aba Nigeria Stake, has served as president of a ward, district, and stake Relief Society. “So much good has come to the women of Africa with the gospel,” she says. “The simplicity of worship, the ordinances, the new understanding it brings to our marriage relationships—these are giving us new life.”
The Madumeres have eight children, ranging in age from 5 to 22. The family members enjoy the way their lives have changed and the feelings of unity they share. “To learn that I am God’s daughter and that He allows my husband and me to be partners with Him in bringing His spirit children into mortality,” says Sister Madumere, “is a truth that has brought a great change in my life.”
In addition to her Relief Society duties, Sister Madumere teaches high school and early-morning seminary. As stake Relief Society president, Helen has often traveled by public transit to meet with the sisters throughout her stake.
“More than two-thirds of the thousand women in my stake are peasant farmers, traders, and laborers,” explains Sister Madumere. “I am committed to educating and helping them gain more self-reliance. What a feeling it gives,” she says with a broad smile, “to be part of the kingdom of God that unites people around the world.”
In addition to her Relief Society duties, Sister Helen Madumere teaches high school and early-morning seminary.