“One-on-One Time,” Ensign, Dec. 2000, 63
One-on-One Time
When our six children were young, we never seemed able to spend enough individual time with them. Then friends of ours gave us an idea. They suggested we give each of our children one special night during the week. On that night the child could spend 30 minutes near bedtime with a parent doing an activity of the child’s choice. During this time we asked the other children to go to bed, and the other parent would often read to them.
We told the other children that if they interrupted someone else’s special time, their next turn would be skipped. This rule was tested only a few times during the first few weeks, and thereafter we enjoyed many peaceful special-night experiences.
A variety of activities with the children included coloring together, riding bikes, playing games, reading books, and playing with dolls or trucks. Occasionally a child would want to leave the house, and we permitted this if the activity was planned in advance and remained within our time frame.
We learned how important it is to spend personal time with each child. The children loved their special nights and never forgot when it was their turn. Doing this for many years has helped us stay close as a family and build loving relationships.—Kristina M. Fowler, Baton Rouge Second Ward, Baton Rouge Louisiana Stake
Illustrated by Steve Kropp